Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday and too much food?

Last night were calzones from last month once a moth cooking session. The kids and I liked it. Hubby did not BUT he ate it two hours post mortem. The girls and I ate the calzones with artichokes and an impromptu black olive tepenade. ( 1/4 cup black olives, 3 cloves garlic, 2 tbps parsley, a bit of salt and some olive oil) We liked it, no loved it.
Tonight is pizza stuffed meatloaf, mashed tatos. We have a lot of left overs and we are not keeping up so thinking "restaurant night" is in order. Restaurant night is a night were you pick what you want off the "menu". Way more exiting than " hey guys we are warming up stuff that has been sitting in the fridge". However the wrench in this plan is now we have a bithday party to attend that I am sure will involve food. Considering all the problems in the world this is really not a bad one to have.

1 comment:

  1. At my house this is called CORN. Cleaning Out Refrigerator Night.
